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Pororo ABC

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A dynamic English learning tool for children

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Pororo ABC is an engaging educational application designed to enrich the learning journey for young children by introducing them to the alphabet and phonics through a series of interactive plays and songs. Delving into this virtual Phonics ABC town, users find themselves in the company of beloved characters such as Pororo, Crong, and their friends, who guide them through 25 unique phonics songs, covering the entire alphabet from A to Z.

The main purpose of the app is to offer a fun-filled learning experience that makes the process of memorizing alphabets and words seamless for children—thanks to lively sing-along phonics songs. The user interface is tailored to be intuitive and child-friendly, ensuring that even the youngest users can navigate with ease. This immersive experience is supplemented by activities that include taking photos with Pororo, as well as singing, listening, reading, writing, and interactive quizzes that naturally reinforce the lessons learned.

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Equipped with useful features to enhance the user experience, this educational tool allows for recovery of previously purchased content after reinstalling through the 'Restore Purchased Items' function. The 'Purchase Lock' feature is designed to prevent unintended transactions, and the 'Push Notification' control allows for the management of alerts with a single action.

This learning tool is tailored specifically to children aged 3-7, providing a wealth of study materials and essential books that span diverse categories including fairy tales, English, mathematics, and animation, ensuring that the content not only educates but also entertains.

Overall, the application stands out as a comprehensive and interactive solution that combines entertainment with education, making it a delightful choice for young learners embarking on their educational journey.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 or higher required

Information about Pororo ABC 2.0.4

Package Name com.uangel.tomokidsPororoAbc
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
1 more
Downloads 2,928
Date Aug 7, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.1.2 May 8, 2015

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